Tuition Information

Your tuition statement for the dance season is emailed to you. This statement outlines your total tuition owing for the year in "Installments". If you chose a different payment option (full or scheduled) on your registration form, we will update your statement to reflect this change. Existing customers have already pre-selected their payment option and method.

Tuition can be paid by VISA, Mastercard, cash, or e-transfer.

Tuition is based on a minimum of 32 lessons per year. This takes into account holiday weekends, winter and spring breaks. Classes that fall during the week may have one or two extra sessions during the year. These are considered courtesy classes and are not charged for.


We must receive the following within one week of the registration package that was emailed to you:

  1. Completed registration form, including a signed insurance waiver and completed tuition selection.

    • (If you have already signed a registration form with us starting in the 2020 season, you are not required to submit another registration form. However, please contact the office if any of your personal information has changed. The payment method and option you previously selected will be used for your account.)

  2. Initial tuition payment.

Incomplete registrations will not be processed, and dancers may lose their spot in class. To avoid a late payment charge, we must receive your payment before or on the due date. If payment is late, interest will accrue at 20% per month.

Payment Options

  • Pay in Full:

    • Registration and full year tuition (dated today’s date).

  • Installments:

    • Registration/Initial installment tuition (dated today’s date).

    • January installment tuition (payable January 1, 2025).

  • Scheduled:

    • Registration/Initial tuition (dated today’s date).

    • Four post-dated payments commencing October 1, 2024.

    • The final payment is payable January 1, 2025.

For registrations received after January 1, 2025, tuition is calculated and paid in full only.

Payment Methods

  • VISA/Mastercard:

    • To pay your McDonald Wilson Dance Academy account using VISA/Mastercard, please fill out the information on the registration form.

    • Declined credit cards will be assessed a service charge of $20.

    • Please notify MWDA of any changes to your credit card information, including a new credit card number or expiry date, by contacting the office.

    • Please note there is a credit card administration fee of 2% to account for the cost of processing these transactions.

  • E-transfer:

    • To pay your tuition using e-transfer, please transfer to No security question is necessary.

    • Please note that e-transfers are not billed for your billing cycle and must be done automatically in accordance with your selected payment schedule. Those families who chose e-transfer as an option will be asked to put a credit card on file. If your e-transfer is not received on the tuition due date, then your payment will be processed on your credit card.

Withdrawal Policy

  • Registration and initial payment are non-refundable.

  • Our withdrawal policy requires 30 days written notice of withdrawal (by email) and must be received prior to the first day of the month (partial months are not refunded). Your final balance will be calculated by prorating classes (based on full, non-discounted rates) to the end of the one-month notice period.

  • No verbal withdrawals will be accepted, and absence from class is not considered notice of withdrawal. There will be no tuition refunds for student absences such as family vacations, global pandemics, etc.

  • There are no tuition refunds after January 1, 2025.

  • Upon withdrawal from the academy prior to January 1, 2025 and with proper notice, any post-dated payments will be cancelled. If payment is made by installment, the refund will be paid to you by cheque.

For any questions or further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.